Thursday, February 16, 2012


Reamping is a action generally acclimated in multitrack recording in which a recorded arresting is baffled aback out of the alteration ambiance and run through alien processing or reverb chamber. Originally, the address was acclimated mostly for guitars: it facilitates a break of guitar arena from guitar amplifier processing—a ahead recorded audio affairs is played aback and re-recorded at a after time for the purpose of abacus effects, ambience, or adapted tonality. The address has back acquired to cover abounding added applications. Re-amping can aswell be activated to added instruments and program, such as recorded drums, synthesizers, and basic instruments.

Examples of accepted re-amping objectives cover musically advantageous amplifier distortion, allowance tone, compression, EQ/filters, envelopes, resonance, and gating. Re-amping is generally acclimated to "warm up" dry tracks, which generally agency abacus complex, musically absorbing compression, distortion, filtering, ambience, and added adorable effects. By arena a dry arresting through a studio's capital monitors and again application allowance mics to abduction the ambience, engineers are able to actualize astute reverbs and alloy the wet arresting with the aboriginal dry recording to accomplish the adapted bulk of depth.

The address is abnormally advantageous for abatement stereo boom tracks. By pointing the monitors abroad from anniversary added and miking anniversary apostle individually, the stereo angel can be well-preserved and a new abyss can be added to the track. It is important to analysis that the microphones getting acclimated are in appearance to abstain problems with the mix.

Example of re-amping

A guitarist annal a dry, unprocessed, artless clue in a recording studio. This is generally accomplished by abutting the guitar into a DI assemblage (a Absolute Input or Absolute Inject absorber box) that is fed to a recording animate or, alternatively, bypassing the animate by application an outboard preamplifier. Often, the guitarist's arresting is beatific to both recorder and guitar amp simultaneously, accouterment the guitarist with a able amplifier "feel" while aswell tracking a dry signal.

At a after time, the dry, direct, chapped guitar recording is fed to a bridging accessory (a Reamp or about-face DI box) to "re-record" the guitarist's chapped achievement through a committed guitar amplifier and/or alien furnishings box(es). The guitar amplifier is placed in the reside allowance or abreast berth of the recording flat and is set up to aftermath the adapted tonal quality, including baloney appearance and allowance reverberation. A microphone is placed abreast the guitar apostle and a new clue is recorded, bearing the re-amplified, candy track. The microphone cable is affiliated to the bond animate or mic preamp application a cable, as usual, after application a bridging device.

External furnishings such as barge boxes and guitar multi-fx processors can aswell be included in the re-amping process. As able-bodied as concrete accessories that crave an impedance-matched guitar auto signal, software-based basic guitar furnishings and amps can be included in the re-amping process.

Advantages of re-amping

Re-amping allows guitarists and added cyberbanking musicians to almanac their advance and go home, abrogation the architect and ambassador to absorb added time dialing in "just right" settings and furnishings on prerecorded tracks. When re-amping electric guitar tracks, the guitarist charge not be present for the architect to agreement continued hours with a ambit of effects, mic positions, apostle cabinets, amplifiers, furnishings pedals, and all-embracing accentuation – continuously replaying the prerecorded advance while experimenting with new settings and tones. When a adapted accent is assuredly achieved, the guitarist's dry achievement is re-recorded, or "re-amped," with all added effects.

Manufacturers of apparatus processing accessory such as guitar effects, or accessories reviewers, can accumulate a library of dry achievement tracks, performed and edited well, and again run these ideal advance through the processing accessory to authenticate the sounds that the processing accessory can produce. An absolute amount of achievement playback passes, including looping, enables aggravating out abounding combinations of settings quickly, including microphone techniques.

When guitar amp or amp actor designers try assorted ambit basic ethics or settings, they can use the dry advance as prepared, always-available ascribe analysis signals, and constant advertence signals.

Electronic interfacing

irect inject (DI) is a accessory or address for abutting an unbalanced, high-impedance, low-level arresting (commonly a guitar pickup) into audio accessories advised for a low-impedance counterbalanced arresting (such as a DAW). Reverse-DI agency active this aforementioned accessory or address in about-face – abutting a high-level (typically balanced, low-impedance) arresting into audio accessories that was advised for low-level, unbalanced, high-impedance signals, such as a guitar amplifier.

Playing aback a arresting from recording flat accessories anon into a guitar amplifier can could cause exceptionable side-effects such as input-stage distortion, acute accident or overemphasis, and ground-loop hum; appropriately there is sometimes a charge for impedance conversion, level-matching, and arena alteration. Like active a guitar arresting through a guitar furnishings pedal that is set to Bypass, re-amping introduces some amount of sonic abasement compared to arena a guitar reside anon into a guitar amp rig.

A re-amping accessory frequently employs a antipodal Direct Inject (DI) agent with some resistors added for akin and impedance shift. Akin and impedance acclimation can be accomplished by abacus a potentiometer or adjustable resistor. A able re-amping accessory converts a counterbalanced arresting to an asymmetric signal, reduces a top studio-level (line-level) arresting down to a low guitar-level signal, and accouterment the achievement to a top instrument-level impedance (typically a guitar auto impedance).

In accepted re-amplification, a dry recorded arresting is beatific into a counterbalanced XLR input. An asymmetric ¼" (Tip-Sleeve) buzz adapter is about acclimated for the output, which is affiliated to the guitar amp rig. Some re-amping accessories action a pad (attenuator) about-face to abate a too-hot achievement level.

Sometimes a guitar aggregate pedal or buffered furnishings pedal can plan abundantly for re-amping, depending on grounding, levels, and impedance. Another access to assuming the top impedance of a guitar auto is to use a acquiescent DI and add a 10 K-ohm resistor in alternation with the arresting affiliation central a 1/4" plug.


While "reverse DI" re-recording techniques accept been acclimated for decades, the action was affected in allotment by the addition of the Reamp accessory in 1993. The registered brand "Reamp" describes a patented apparatus (U.S. Patent 6,005,950) filed in 1994 by audio architect John Cuniberti, conceivably best accepted for his constant engineering plan with guitarist Joe Satriani. The Reamp inductively couples counterbalanced line-level sources into asymmetric guitar-level destinations (e.g., DAW achievement to guitar amp input) and includes a potentiometer which alters both arresting akin and antecedent impedance. Derivations of the Reamp trademark, such as "reamping" and "re-amplification," accept become accepted analogue in able audio to call the action of amplified re-recording – abundant like the chat "Band-aid" is generally acclimated to call adhering bandages (see Genericized trademark).


The action of re-recording has been acclimated throughout the history of recording studios. Pierre Schaeffer in the 1930s and 1940s acclimated recorded sounds, such as trains, and played them aback with ambient alteration, re-recording the net result. Karlheinz Stockhausen and Edgard Varèse after acclimated agnate techniques.1

Les Paul and Mary Ford recorded layered articulate harmonies and guitar parts, modifying above-mentioned advance with furnishings such as ambient reverb while recording the net aftereffect calm on a new track. Les Paul placed a loudspeaker at one end of a adit and a microphone at the added end. The loudspeaker played aback ahead recorded actual - the microphone recorded the consistent adapted sound.

Roger Nichols claims to accept acclimated a guitar re-recording action (not about-face DI) in 1968, partly to advance the accent on cranked tube amps beyond assorted amps, one at a time. A complete would be dialed-in for several hours on one cranked guitar amplifier, and if this accent audibly wore down the amplifier components, addition amplifier would be acclimated to almanac the actual work.

It's been acclaimed that Phil Spector, re-mixing the aboriginal Beatles’ Let It Be adept tapes in 1970, may accept re-recorded dry electric guitar affairs through a guitar amplifier.

Film complete re-recording is a accustomed practice. Complete artist Walter Murch is accepted for a address alleged "worldizing" in which "real world" ambient is added, via re-recording, to dry recorded program. Complete artist Nick Peck describes the worldizing process: "Place a apostle in a allowance or area with the adapted aural fingerprint and position a microphone some ambit from the speaker. Next, play aback your aboriginal sounds through the apostle and re-record them on addition recorder, capturing the complete with all the alveolate characteristics of the space. This requires abundant time and effort, but if alone the a lot of accurate reproduction will do, worldizing can get you there."2


Radial and Millennia Media articles use the Reamp patent, or a alternative of the patent, beneath license. The Reamp Company acknowledges that words such as "reamping" accept become generic/colloquial audio expressions, but asserts that the chat Reamp charcoal their accurately registered trademark.