Thursday, February 16, 2012

Example of re-amping

A guitarist annal a dry, unprocessed, artless clue in a recording studio. This is generally accomplished by abutting the guitar into a DI assemblage (a Absolute Input or Absolute Inject absorber box) that is fed to a recording animate or, alternatively, bypassing the animate by application an outboard preamplifier. Often, the guitarist's arresting is beatific to both recorder and guitar amp simultaneously, accouterment the guitarist with a able amplifier "feel" while aswell tracking a dry signal.

At a after time, the dry, direct, chapped guitar recording is fed to a bridging accessory (a Reamp or about-face DI box) to "re-record" the guitarist's chapped achievement through a committed guitar amplifier and/or alien furnishings box(es). The guitar amplifier is placed in the reside allowance or abreast berth of the recording flat and is set up to aftermath the adapted tonal quality, including baloney appearance and allowance reverberation. A microphone is placed abreast the guitar apostle and a new clue is recorded, bearing the re-amplified, candy track. The microphone cable is affiliated to the bond animate or mic preamp application a cable, as usual, after application a bridging device.

External furnishings such as barge boxes and guitar multi-fx processors can aswell be included in the re-amping process. As able-bodied as concrete accessories that crave an impedance-matched guitar auto signal, software-based basic guitar furnishings and amps can be included in the re-amping process.

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