Thursday, February 16, 2012


Reamping is a action generally acclimated in multitrack recording in which a recorded arresting is baffled aback out of the alteration ambiance and run through alien processing or reverb chamber. Originally, the address was acclimated mostly for guitars: it facilitates a break of guitar arena from guitar amplifier processing—a ahead recorded audio affairs is played aback and re-recorded at a after time for the purpose of abacus effects, ambience, or adapted tonality. The address has back acquired to cover abounding added applications. Re-amping can aswell be activated to added instruments and program, such as recorded drums, synthesizers, and basic instruments.

Examples of accepted re-amping objectives cover musically advantageous amplifier distortion, allowance tone, compression, EQ/filters, envelopes, resonance, and gating. Re-amping is generally acclimated to "warm up" dry tracks, which generally agency abacus complex, musically absorbing compression, distortion, filtering, ambience, and added adorable effects. By arena a dry arresting through a studio's capital monitors and again application allowance mics to abduction the ambience, engineers are able to actualize astute reverbs and alloy the wet arresting with the aboriginal dry recording to accomplish the adapted bulk of depth.

The address is abnormally advantageous for abatement stereo boom tracks. By pointing the monitors abroad from anniversary added and miking anniversary apostle individually, the stereo angel can be well-preserved and a new abyss can be added to the track. It is important to analysis that the microphones getting acclimated are in appearance to abstain problems with the mix.

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